It's getting somewhere
- July 31st, 2007
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Archive for the ‘Stuff Making’ Category
*chuckle* Made this back in the day when I was still a young lad at college. *chuckle* I’m so clever.
Made these with the missus for a pair of twins birthdays. Whilst making these, I realised I haven’t made anything artsy craftsy in a while. Ps. In the end, we wanted to keep them because we loved them so much. Oh well.
Besides drawing near-naked ladies and cute monsters, I often do experimental stuff with code. It’s fun, and when I solve problems and/or get fantastic results I scream with joy (the pants even become a bit soggy).
Anyway, today I made this thing. Doesn’t do much, but I might use it someday. Might not. It was a fun 3 hours though.
I’ll let you figure it out. Half the fun is finding out what it does for yourself. I’ll let you in on one thing though, the tiles rearrange themselves when you resize the browser window. And it’s super-uberly cool when you stretch the browser over two screens (if you have dual display).
~sigh… It’s made in Action Script 1. I’m too noob for AS2.