When giant killing mechs go wrong
- July 8th, 2007
- Posted in Stuff Making
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*chuckle* Made this back in the day when I was still a young lad at college. *chuckle* I’m so clever.
*chuckle* Made this back in the day when I was still a young lad at college. *chuckle* I’m so clever.
habibi tabouli
just had a bit of a wake up call: http://www.giantheadconspiracy.com/kyoko.html
trio who all finished a digital media degree in 2006. their older stuff is a bit more average.. but their resume’s already list freelancing for PSYOP, motion theory, brand new school..
could be us broski. could be us..
Fuck damn.
I loved that project johnny, your mech was uber cool!
hahahah heyyy i rememeber when you showed me concept drawings for that mech!! i think i till got them! LOL always good to dig up old stuff *nod nod*